Tuesday 21 February 2012

Holly Fulton makes babes, babe-ier.

Instant disclaimer: this is predominantly a menswear/fashion blog, but as I've been quiet the last few days, I thought I'd share what I've been up to.

London fashion week has seemed a little boring so far, this year - it's nothing to do with a lack of talent, but there really doesn't seem to be much exciting me. The sixties seem to be prevalent as an influence, from the hippy wilderness, through to the working class wallpapers, I've seen a mix.

However, for the last few seasons, I always find myself rotating my way through the Holly Fulton page on Style.com, her designs sum up what I'd love to see on a girl - it's bold, bright and exciting, which a lot of designers are missing. Ok, it's not always totally original, and she repeats a lot of themes, season after season, but I shant complain - not yet, anyway.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and blag my way into some of the MAN shows, highest up on the list is Christopher Shannon, in the morning...WHAT TO WEAR etc etc.

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